We Never Give Up – Even If A Job Gets Messy

Aug 26, 2024Why Us

We Never Give Up – Even If A Job Gets Messy

We Persevere Single-Mindedly Until
Your Job Is Absolutely Perfect

At GoGlass, we’d prefer that every job go off without a hitch. However, even when impediments arise, we demonstrate remarkable stick-to-it-iveness and resolve.

We just won’t quit until your project is exceptional.

For instance, we encountered significant complications during a job when a customer named David hired us to replace the rollers on his sliding door. At first, it seemed like a straightforward project.

But things turned knotty once we disassembled the door. Nevertheless, we refused to abandon our core values and persevered until the job was done.

How did David react? He was thrilled!

“We were extremely pleased with the work done by the team from GoGlass.They were hired to put new rollers on our sliding doors.”

It took longer than we’d expected, but we refused to give up or point fingers. Instead, we took responsibility and kept at it until the results were 100% on target.

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Our Core Values Act As Our North Star

Although we were discouraged when we realized it wouldn’t be a smooth and seamless project, we never let the homeowner know it.

Our five fundamental core values guided us through every decision we made and kept us always moving in the right direction.

These guiding principles include the following:

We always behave with integrity and accountability, so we took responsibility instead of blaming the original installer or the homeowner’s failure to maintain the door.

Lesser glass contractors might have done just that, or they might have walked away from a job that took such a surprising turn.
But it isn’t our way to leave a customer hanging.

“The job turned out to be more complicated than simply replacing the rollers. “

Instead, we got busy diagnosing and addressing all the unexpected problems we’d discovered. We spent far more time at David’s house than we’d intended, but we’ve never regretted the decision.

“The Door Is Working Great!”

We worried that David might feel less than satisfied because achieving the promised results took more time and effort than we’d originally estimated. But he was actually delighted with our work.

Time and again, we have found that even our most selective customers are happy if they can see how much we care.

And we DO care. Great service is one of our guiding principles, after all.

“The team worked until they completed the job, and the door is working great.”

We were willing to spend considerable extra time to identify the problems, figure out how to repair them, and get the door working again smoothly. We demonstrated to David that we were absolutely on his side.

We had his best interests at heart, and our focus was devoted to customer service rather than maximizing profits.

So, if you need auto, commercial, residential, or shower glass service in Delmarva, work with a glass company that perseveres even when a job gets messy. Contact GoGlass on the Delmarva Peninsula to request a free quote today.