Top Questions To Ask Your Window
Company Before Signing Papers
In Rehoboth Beach, DE
Avoiding The Wrong Company
For A Window Installation
Replacement windows in Rehoboth Beach, DE are a quick and affordable way to make your home safer and more energy efficient. But before you can replace your windows, you need to find someone to do the job.
When interviewing window replacement companies, you have a chance to ask questions to help you make a decision. Having a list of these questions ready before you make your calls can help substantially.
How Long Have You Been Doing
Replacement Windows?
While the age of the company doesn’t always mean it’s better, nor is a young company necessarily bad, it is an important factor. Older companies have more experience, generally make fewer mistakes, and have overall better quality service. While taking a chance is admirable, veteran window companies are more reliable.
Do You Have Certifications
For Window Installations?
Certifications mean a lot in the world of windows. Keeping up with the proper certifications is the best way to show that you are qualified for the job. Glass companies must have the basics covered, and anything else is a bonus.
GoGlass is a member of the National Glass Association and has all of the most important certifications to install your glass with expertise. So you never have to worry about an unqualified team working on your home.
Do You Obtain Window Replacement
Permits Or Do I Have To?
Each area has unique rules and restrictions regarding construction work and even window replacements. A great contractor ensures that all required permits are acquired before installation day.
Do You Have Free Consultations For
A Home Window Replacement?
Window replacement companies should offer free consultations. You shouldn’t have to pay to determine how much you will pay. However, companies aren’t always transparent about pricing or consultations over the phone. That’s why it’s important to ask upfront.
How Long Should A Window
Replacement Take?
Window replacement times vary, so there is no rule of thumb. That’s why it’s crucial to ask your window replacement company how long your project is expected to take. This will depend on the company, the complexity of your project, and how many windows you’re going to replace.
Do You Offer Financing For Home
Window Replacements?
Everyone should have access to strong, energy-efficient windows, but that’s not always the case. Ask about financing before you hire a window company. Interest-free short-term financing and long-term options with low monthly payments should both be available.
What Are The Best Replacement Windows?
This is a question to gauge how the company you’re interested in will respond. The best companies give you options and let you know the best styles, materials, and energy efficiency ratings. Because these companies are experts in the field, they can provide you with useful knowledge, whether you hire them or not.
Do You Have Warranties On Your
Replacement Windows?
Warranties are important for windows and vary greatly depending on the manufacturer and the company. GoGlass is proud to offer lifetime warranties on Infinity Glass Units, which are insulated glass units we put together for your windows.
Do You Hire Subcontractors
For Window Installation?
Subcontractors confuse and complicate the entire window installation process. While not always negative, it usually isn’t a good aspect of any company. Look for companies that don’t hire subcontractors but have vetting processes to ensure that their employees are the best of the best in the Delmarva Peninsula.
Where Does Your Replacement
Window Glass Come From?
This important question lets you know if the glass pieces you order are from overseas, a chain store in your town, or made by the company you hire to install the replacement window. The choices you make regarding your windows are up to you, but knowing where your products come from is crucial to your decision, as it can affect the timing of your installation.
For the best replacement windows in Rehoboth Beach, DE, call GoGlass today at 800-7GO-GLASS for your free quote.