What Is The Best Glass Thickness For A New
Shower Door Enclosure In Millsboro, DE?
Understand The Different Options Available To You
When Choosing A Shower Door Enclosure
If you’re considering installing a new shower door enclosure in Millsboro, DE you may have many questions on your mind. Shower door enclosures can be a great addition to any home in the Delmarva Peninsula.
With a shower door enclosure, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful new bathroom with just one simple addition. From frameless, semi-frameless, and framed shower door enclosures, there are many options available to you when deciding on yours.
Another thing you might wonder about is the best glass thickness for a new shower door enclosure. While we wish there were a simple answer, it depends on a few different factors, such as the type of shower door enclosure you want and your personal preferences.
Luckily for you, though, GoGlass is here to help you find the best solution for your home.
What Are The Different Glass Thicknesses
For A New Shower Door Enclosure?
When investing in a new shower door enclosure, there are many things to consider and choices to make. One important decision that’s often left as an afterthought is the thickness of the glass you use.
While it might not seem like the choice matters much, depending on your goals, this is a decision you shouldn’t take lightly. So, what exactly are the different glass thicknesses for new shower door enclosures?
In general, there are four thicknesses to choose from for shower door enclosures. They range from 3/16-inch, 1/4-inch, 3/8-inch, and 1/2-inch. And each of these thicknesses comes with its own benefits and drawbacks that we’ll get into next.
Is Thin Or Thick Glass Better For My
New Shower Door Enclosure?
Now that you understand the options available, the next question to answer is: Should I choose a thinner or thicker glass for my shower door enclosure? The answer depends on what kind of shower door enclosure you want.
The thickness of your glass will need to match your enclosure and door style. Sliding or hinged doors may need different thicknesses. On top of this, framed and frameless shower door enclosures have different needs.
Thin glass is often much more affordable than a thicker glass shower door enclosure but isn’t as flexible in the type you can choose. Most glasses thinner than 3/8-inch will need to be framed instead of frameless.
This means that their flexibility is more limited. On the other hand, thick shower door enclosures are much more sturdy and flexible but aren’t as easy on your wallet as the thinner options.
Ultimately, the decision is yours, and if you need a little help deciding, the GoGlass team will be by your side throughout the entire process.
Can I Use More Than One Type Of Glass
For A Shower Door Enclosure?
If a single thickness of glass isn’t quite doing it for you, you may wonder if you can mix and match. And the answer is absolutely yes. Whether for aesthetic or functional purposes, GoGlass can accommodate multiple types of glass in your enclosure.
This way, you can enjoy a completely customized shower door enclosure suited to your individual needs.
Need A Professional Team For Your Shower Door
Enclosure In Millsboro, DE? Call GoGlass Today
If you’re looking for an expert team to install your shower door enclosure, it’s important to do proper research to find the best one. Not just any team can perform the installation exceptionally. You’ll want a team with decades of experience to install your shower.
Happily, GoGlass has been in business since 1982. We’ve become a top company for shower door enclosures in Millsboro, DE for decades. Throughout the years, homeowners in the Delmarva Peninsula have trusted our work.
We never skimp on quality or rush a project to meet a deadline. From us, you can always expect excellence.
If this sounds like a good deal to you, we invite you to contact GoGlass today for more info or visit our site to get a free quote on your shower door enclosure in Millsboro, DE.