What Is An Insulated Glass Unit?

May 17, 2024Glass Windows

Insulated Glass Unit: What It Means In Window
Glass Replacements In Bethany Beach, DE

These Window Glass Replacement Units
Are Called Infinity Glass For A Reason

Window glass replacement in Bethany Beach, DE is an energy-efficient and cost-efficient upgrade for any home. But not all glass is created equally. Insulated glass units refer to double-paned glass made with insulating factors.

At GoGlass, we offer a special type of insulated glass unit called Infinity Glass. These units are unique and offer an energy-efficient replacement for your home.

Infinity Glass Is An Energy-Efficient Replacement Option

Insulated glass is a type of glass that is made from more than one pane. The panes are sealed together to appear as one single unit. The methods used to assemble these units include adding an insulating spacer and then sealing the unit to be airtight, which prevents condensation and other moisture from getting between the panes.

This method ensures the glass reduces heat loss and heat gain from the outside to make your home more energy-efficient.

Energy efficiency is the first thing to look for when replacing your glass. There’s no better way to save on your energy bill or keep your home at a more comfortable temperature than with our unique products.

Making Infinity Glass Locally Grants Creative Control

Some units are assembled in factories by a third-party company. This means that the company installing them usually has no control over the product. They can’t monitor to make sure the process goes smoothly or is moving in a timely manner.

At GoGlass, we put together the insulated glass units in our shop because it gives us control over everything.

We can ensure quality and customize the glass to each customer’s needs. We create each piece to fit a specific window, which leaves less room for error. By building our own glass, we can guarantee flawless results to our homeowners.

Our Replacement Window Glass
Has The Fastest Turnaround

The insulated glass units we use at GoGlass are made at our facility, which cuts down on turnaround times significantly. While other companies have to import their glass, we cut out the third party, which allows us to have the quickest turnarounds for glass in the Delmarva Peninsula.

It’s always advantageous to hire a professional that does it all. It’s not just the turnaround times, either. When you choose a company that assembles, installs, and repairs windows, you get the best of the best, no matter what your home needs.

A Window Glass Replacement Is More Cost-Efficient
Than A Full Window Replacement

Replacing your window’s original glass with an insulated glass unit can save you a lot of time and money compared to a full window replacement. If your window frame is fine, then there is no reason to waste your time or money replacing it. Instead, you can simply switch out the glass with a reliable energy-efficient option that you can rely on.

GoGlass specializes in glass replacements but can also replace full windows if that’s what a customer wants. We offer transparent consultations to let you know which is the best option for your project. We will never recommend more than you need, though we ensure you have all beneficial options available to you.

Infinity Glass Is Hurricane Resistant
For Bethany Beach, DE

Durable glass is important everywhere, and one of the best ratings to prove a glass is impact-resistant is a hurricane-resistant rating. Many insulated glass units are hurricane-resistant, but if you want to be sure, ask for certification or ratings that prove this.

GoGlass backs up all of the ratings we have with certifications and labels from trusted organizations such as the National Fenestration Rating Council, which assigns Energy Star ratings.

Our Infinity Glass Units Come With A Lifetime Warranty

Not all insulated glass units come with a lifetime warranty, but they do at GoGlass. We put these units together ourselves so we know they are made to last. From our workmanship to our products, we are sure that everything we do is done the best it can be done.

GoGlass Is The Only Company That Makes
Infinity Units On The Delmarva Peninsula

If you’re in Delmarva and you heard about locally made insulated glass units, then they were made by GoGlass. We are the only company in the area that makes our own insulated glass units and the only company anywhere that makes them exactly like we do.

GoGlass specializes in all things glass, but our window glass replacements are one of our favorites. For more info on our infinity glass in Bethany Beach, DE call us at 800-746-4527 for your free estimate.

More glass info, tips & tricks!