Auto Glass

5 Windshield Wiper Fun Facts

5 Windshield Wiper Fun Facts

Driving in sunny, dry conditions is ideal, but Mother Nature enjoys mixing it up. Luckily, windshield wipers keep your field of vision clear as rain and snow pelt your vehicle. In celebration of all things wiper related, enjoy our five fun facts! Windshield Wiper Fun...

Windshield Tips

Windshield Tips

Fall is the perfect time to check your vehicle for chips, cracks and general gunk. The winter will bring ice, freezing rain, snow and extreme cold conditions. With the elements, it also brings sand, salt, rocks and other flying debris. To maximize your safety and to...

My Windshield Cracked For No Reason

My Windshield Cracked For No Reason

You woke up this morning, went to your car in the garage to go to work, and discovered that your windshield cracked for no reason. Or maybe you discovered your windshield cracked when you came out of a restaurant after a business dinner. You know nothing happened to...