Integrity In Action

May 14, 2024Why Us

GoGlass – A Perfect Example
Of Integrity In Action

We’re Always Honest
And On-The-Go

When you seek auto, commercial, residential, or shower glass installation, GoGlass is hands-down your best bet for great results. We’ve served the Delmarva peninsula for more than 40 years and are the embodiment of action-oriented integrity.

We are 100% committed to your satisfaction and to providing an exceptional window repair or glass installation experience. We’ll do anything we can to serve you better.

That includes hiring only the best employees.

We thoroughly vet every candidate for experience, moral fiber, and passion. Each applicant receives a drug screening and background check, and our interview process often lasts multiple rounds to ensure we choose the right candidate.

It also includes using only the finest materials. Whether it’s windshields, shower glass, or commercial glass, we work only with vendors we know are principled, reliable, and financially stable and who deliver consistently high-quality products.

We take our job seriously, and that’s reflected in our policies.

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Our Timeless Core Values Guide Us

From the founding of our company, GoGlass has been guided by core values that act as our moral compass. They steer our behaviors through good times and bad and ensure we always move in the right direction.

Those guiding principles are as follows:

  • Service
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Trustworthiness

Integrity, or the quality of fairness and moral uprightness, seems to underpin all the others. It helps us provide great service even in difficult times. It ensures we treat you with respect and take responsibility when we mess up. And it ensures we remain on the right path.

Integrity in action makes us who we are.

Honesty At All Times

Our integrity ensures we ALWAYS behave honestly. When we make a promise, you can take it to the bank.

For instance, when we quote a price on a sunroom or shower glass, you know it’s fair and final. You won’t be surprised by hidden charges, unexpected fees, or materials we “forgot to tell you about.” Your bill will reflect only what we quoted you.

And when we provide a project completion date, you can count on it. For example, if we say your shower door installation will be completed next week, it’ll be done on time and ready for your use.

Of course, the unexpected does happen. For example, a supply chain collapse delayed our deliveries during the pandemic. But if something like that happens, you’ll hear about it as soon as we do, so you’ll have time to rearrange your schedule.

We always say what we mean and mean what we say – or you’ll know why

No Finger-Pointing

Another example of how integrity guides us is that we never point fingers. We never try to pass blame to someone or something else when things go wrong. We accept responsibility, hitch up our pants, and our professional glass experts get busy fixing it.

Of course, we do all we can to AVOID making mistakes. But life happens, errors occur, and somebody has to take the blame.

That someone is always us.

We’re responsible. The buck stops here.

A Lifetime Glass Installation Warranty

Finally, we protect your glass installation with a lifetime warranty. If problems in our workmanship EVER arise, we’ll be there to fix the mistake. No exclusions. No loopholes. No excuses.

We don’t believe in “fine print.” We believe in customer satisfaction. It’s a simple policy:

“If there’s EVER a problem with our work on your installation, we’ll be there within 24 hours to fix it for free.”

So, if you need auto, commercial, residential, or shower glass service, pick a glass company that exemplifies integrity in action. Contact GoGlass on the Delmarva Peninsula to schedule a free consultation today.