Careers at Goglass
Are you a fit for the GoGlass team?
Are you honest, motivated, and team-oriented with an attitude of service? Would you enjoy the quality of life associated with living near the coast? If so, GoGlass wants you! As a locally-owned, growing company, GoGlass often has openings for individuals with experience with glass, autos, construction, customer service, sales, and management.
Become a Goglass team member!
If you think you might want to join our team you may initiate the career process by completing our online application. For additional questions, please contact our Human Resources Department via email – [email protected]
All inquiries will be held in strict confidence. Equal consideration for a job is applicable to all individuals and GoGlass does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, or gender.
Job Types include:
- Auto Glass Technician and Trainee
- Flat Glass Technician or Trainee
- Customer Service Representative
- Store Manager
- Sales / Estimating
For qualified candidates, GoGlass offers a competitive package of benefits:
- Competitive wages and salaries
- 401K Plan
- Paid sick and vacation days
- Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance
- A professional and rewarding work environment
Thank you for your interest in GoGlass.
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